Saturday, March 2, 2013

Basics of Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology

Basics of Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology 3rd Edition PDF Download Ebook. Michael G. Maxfield and Earl R. Babbie combine accessibility and a conversational writing style with Michael G. Maxfield's expertise in criminology and criminal justice in a concise, streamlined paperback. In fewer than 400 pages, this popular book introduces you to the core of criminal justice research using the most current, real data available.

Reflecting the latest developments from the field, it features coverage of such key issues as ethics, causation, validity, field research, research design, and more. The book also includes expanded coverage of web-based research and how to access and utilize new CJ data sets. Balancing coverage of both qualitative and quantitative methods, the text is packed with real-world examples, practical applications, and Internet research exercises.

Reflecting the latest developments in the field, the exciting new Third Edition includes significantly expanded coverage of qualitative research. New material on writing proposals and reading research articles helps students sharpen these important skills for real-life practice.

Completely current, the book is packed with real-world examples that have been extensively updated throughout. Each chapter begins with 8-12 numbered learning objectives carefully matched to individual bullet points in the end-of-chapter summary for maximum learning reinforcement. Each item in the accompanying Test Bank and Companion Website quiz section is also linked to a specific learning objective.

Extremely relevant, the authors’ coverage of policy analysis reflects the trend toward a more analytic perspective in justice agencies, giving students valuable insight into the issues they will face in a career in the field of criminal justice.

Helping students completely master the material, the text includes extensive, top-caliber pedagogical aids, including real-world examples, outlines, figures, key term definitions, chapter summaries, and review questions and exercises. Some end-of-chapter exercises require students to solve research problems using the Internet, giving them hands-on experience using online resources for timely, high-quality data.

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