Monday, February 18, 2013

Criminal Justice in Action 6th Edition, Larry K. Gaines

Criminal Justice in Action 7th Edition PDF Download Ebook. Larry K. Gaines and Roger LeRoy Miller help you excel in your criminal justice course! You'll explore vivid real-life applications that clarify key criminal justice concepts and read about the many exciting new career opportunities that the field now offers.

Concepts will suddenly make sense, thanks to vivid straight-from-the-headlines vignettes that begin every chapter. Choosing what's important to remember is a snap with each chapter's numbered objectives, which are reinforced throughout the chapter as well as in the book's supplementary items.

This text is designed with today's busy students and instructors in mind. Concepts make sense to students, thanks to vivid straight-from-the-headlines vignettes at the beginning of every chapter. Choosing what's important to remember is a snap with each chapter's numbered objectives, which are reinforced throughout the chapter as well as in the book's supplementary items.

Thinking critically and writing aren't so intimidating for students with the guidance of practical new writing activities. Reviewers praise the book's crisp, clear topic coverage as much as engaging magazine-style design and captivating writing, which combine to draw students--even today's visual learners--into the material.

"CJ and Technology" coverage, while easily identifiable, is integrated into the narrative so students are less likely to skip over technological innovations that are crucial to today's criminal justice system. Examples include the use of biometrics in police work, the use of transdermal alcohol testing, and the future of fingerprinting.

Each chapter helps sharpen students' writing and critical thinking skills. This feature introduces students to a controversial topic from the chapter and provides them with "for" and "against" arguments for the topic. Using information they've gleaned from the chapter, students are asked to give their opinion is essay form.

This text has an integrated Learning Objectives system aimed at helping students succeed. Each chapter opens with a set of Learning Objectives that guides students to the most important concepts as they read the chapter. Within the margins of the chapter, Learning Objective icons (LO) are placed alongside sections of the text that match that objective. The chapter concludes with the Chapter Summary, which repeats each Learning Objective and then responds with a short summary paragraph.

More details about this book...


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